
In opleiding – 12e standard


” I am the second son in my family. I have one sister and two younger brothers, who are studying in the 8th and 6th standard. My sister got married. When I was studying 6th standard I had to undergo, due to my weak heart, a byepass surgery. Since I was getting sick very often, my parents were always in panic. They were very ignorant and my family became big, too many mouths to feed. It is really hard for my parents to support my studies. Only through education I can uplift my family and my career. I will be grateful if I am offered a scholarship to continue my studies.”

Verblijf op JET & toekomst

In april 2023 heeft Naveenkumar op JET de 10e standard voltooid. Hij behaalde voldoende studiepunten om extern de 11e en 12e standard te mogen gaan volgen om daarna te bekijken welke opleiding voor hem geschikt is. In de toekomst wil hij graag de opleiding Engineering gaan volgen.