
In opleiding – 11e standard


“My name is Princy. I am coming from a poor family background. I live under the care of my grandmother. I have one older sister and one younger brother. My parents are illiterate. They work hard to feed us. They are unable to support my studies. If I can get support for my studies, then I can study well and have a great future. Otherwise, I also had to go to Kerala as a labor. I will work hard and study well if I get a chance.”

Verblijf op JET & toekomst

Sinds 2022 woont Princy op JET. In april 2024 heeft Princy op JET de 10e standard voltooid. Zij behaalde voldoende studiepunten om extern de 11e en 12e standard te mogen gaan volgen om daarna te bekijken welke opleiding voor haar geschikt is.